Blue Ribbon School

North Dover Elementary Recognized by U.S. Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon School

North Dover Elementary School was recognized today by the U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona along with 296 schools across the nation as a National Blue Ribbon School for 2022. The recognition is based on a school’s overall academic performance or progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. “Each day, I am a witness to the efforts put forth by every staff member at North Dover. I see the love that is poured into the students and the amazing talent that delivers lessons to our little senators. We ground our work at North Dover in love. It is that love that drives the development of enriching lessons, the scaffolding and differentiation mapped out to reach all learners, and the many other tasks that go into ensuring the needs of the whole child are met, ” said Dr. Shani Benson, North Dover Elementary School Principal. 
Secretary Cardona made the announcement during his Road to Success Back to School bus tour. “I applaud all the honorees for the 2022 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award for creating vibrant, welcoming, and affirming school communities where students can learn, grow, reach their potential, and achieve their dreams,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “As our country continues to recover from the pandemic, we know that our future will only be as strong as the education we provide to all of our children. Blue Ribbon Schools have gone above and beyond to keep students healthy and safe while meeting their academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. These schools show what is possible to make an enduring, positive difference in students’ lives.”

With its 39th cohort, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program has bestowed approximately 10,000 awards to more than 9,000 schools. The National Blue Ribbon School award affirms and validates the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in striving for – and attaining – exemplary achievement. “Receiving this honor makes my heart swell with pride for the work that I see these distinguished educators perform on a daily basis, and with immense love for the students and families who have benefited from those efforts,” said Dr. Shani Benson, School Principal. “I hope each educator and staff member at North, both past and present, know how very much they mean to our community, as they are the difference makers,”
National Blue Ribbon Schools serve as models of effective school practices for state and district educators and other schools throughout the nation. A National Blue Ribbon School flag gracing a school’s entryway or on a flagpole is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning. The Department recognizes all schools in one of two performance categories, based on all student scores, subgroup student scores, and graduation rates: Exemplary High-Performing Schools are among their state’s highest performing schools as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests. Exemplary Achievement Gap-Closing Schools are among their state’s highest performing schools in closing achievement gaps between a school’s student groups and all students. 

Dr. Vilicia Cade, Chief Executive Officer and Superintendent of Capital School District stated “Kudos to Dr. Benson and the entire staff serving at North Elementary School for illuminating what Senators do best— lead! Blue Ribbon achievement is a crowning accomplishment for Senator Nation. This recognition validates that we are on the right path to realizing our vision to launch an era of excellence through innovation!” 

Up to 420 schools may be nominated each year. The Department invites nominations for the National Blue Ribbon Schools award from the top education official in all states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and the Bureau of Indian Education. Private schools are nominated by the Council for American Private Education.

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